Saturday, September 28, 2019

kas plateau (valley of flower)

My recent  college trip to "Kaas pathar". We enjoyed a lot so I want share a glimpse of my journey. Kaas pathar is a plateau situated 25 kilometres from Satara falls under Sahyadrisubcluster of Western ghats and is a part of UNSECO WORLD HERITAGE.

We started our trip from Pune which is 141 km away from Kaas pathar it took 3 hours to reach there. We got concession on booking amount. But I strongly recommend to book online because government has restricted 3000 visitors per day. There is parking before 1 km of flower plateau. we have to park our private vehicle at parking. From there we have to use government transport. Kaas pathar comes under very high rainfall zone so there is a huge biodiversity in flora and fauna of this region , there are more then 850 different species of flowering plants.

kas plateau
Sajjan fort view
Housing about 850 species of beautiful wildflowers ,the 1000 hectare area of the plateau is now a reserved forest which is famous for its natural beauty and flora ,it's kaas lake and it's beautiful landscape and scenic beauty.

The months beginning from August to October witness the kaas valley transforming into a blooming beauty of endemic flowers such as Anjani, paner, sonki, kondal, deepkandee and sizes is a delightful sight to behold and makes kaas valley an undeniable hit among scientists, naturalists, adventure lovers alike and paradise for the photographers..!

I would love to hear your thought, suggestions, and questions in the comments below...

kas plateau (valley of flower)

My recent  college trip to "Kaas pathar". We enjoyed a lot so I want share a glimpse of my journey. Kaas pathar is a plateau sit...